For Now At Least

Scrambling back down Mount Abraham

giddy with Champlain Valley wonders,

my heart slows enough

to hear tree boughs breathing

in the rise

and fall of wind, the whoosh of red and

yellow leaves swaying and whispering

ghostlike in my ear: free, free, free.


Stilled, present

in this moment, the charging back and

forth in time my bull-like mind

slowed by nature’s Picador,

enough to let the past die—for now

at least—

the could’ve, should’ve, would’ve

hazards strewn across memory’s trail

like mossy boulders threatening to trip

my tired feet and bring me to my knees,

Or worse—

Toss me over the precipice.

The sun winks through thinning

branches and trembling cold; I lift my

face to inhale its forgiving rays. For now

At least—

no longer prisoner of the treacherous

path behind and before me—

I am blessed and reborn, and

stepchild to Wordsworth’s Nature.